All posts by aheckath Writes

Understanding How Emotions Drive Financial Markets

On almost all financial charts, volatility is always at its highest when there are major highs or major lows. This is an indication of the role that emotions play in the decision making process of the investors. When we mention emotions playing a major role in how financial markets behave, most people tend to think that fear is the only emotion that applies.  However, the crypto fear and greed index is used to measure numerous investor sentiments.

For investors to make a reasonable profit, they need to have a great strategy which has good entry and exit points. This requires rational thinking and a good mastery of technical and fundamental indicators. The crypto fear and greed index can tell investors and other market players when investors are making rational decisions. It is more likely for investors to make rational decisions when the market sentiment is neutral or close to neutral. Behavioral biases are more prevalent when fear and greed peak.

Apart from fear and greed, there are other emotions that have a significant effect on the financial markets. These emotions and mental states include:

  1. Boredom – when boredom hits, traders tend to micro-manage positions and open new positions that do not necessarily fit into their trading strategies. This is usually common when volume and volatility are low.
  2. Excitement – when profits have been taken and open trading positions are performing well, excitement takes over and traders tend to take excessive risks.
  3. Frustration – when a trader is out of sync with the market and their carefully thought through strategy doesn’t seem to work, they are more likely to be frustrated. This can result in the trader abandoning their strategy, which may be detrimental to their financial success.
  4. Hope – traders who do not want to accept the reality of the markets hold on to hope. This causes them to ignore losses and hope that their situation will become more profitable.
  5. Anxiety – when traders feel that they are not in control, anxiety kicks in and it can be quite distractive. Anxiety is common when open positions are too many or lot sizes are too big.

Although sentiments cannot be measured even with every investor’s outlook on their sentiments about the market, the crypto fear and greed index uses sentiment indicators as a proxy for direct measurement. Market sentiment can be measured by measuring its direct effects on the market. This method does not present accurate results, which is why it is important for investors to use the crypto fear and greed index alongside other technical and fundamental indicators.

Investors can use the crypto fear and greed index to their advantage especially when there is extreme fear or extreme greed. These extreme readings show that emotions are driving the market and there may be very profitable opportunities. Viewing the crypto fear and greed index within the context of the overall financial market’s trend and the market’s perception of value helps investors to make better financial decisions. As a result, there is always balance in the financial markets and the best strategies are the most profitable.

Lower Prices, Not Tuition: Why Student Discounts Matter When Traveling

College is the most exciting time for any high school graduate. This is when they have the freedom to do whatever they want. They can go out to eat with their new friends they meet at school, or they can even go out to a restaurant and share food with their classmates. However, nothing better than traveling.

Traveling to other places and staying with friends is another possibility which will result in great friendships and memories. However, this is the first time that they will see that these things are not as cheap as they thought. This is why some students choose to get a student discount from Travelodge to reduce their accommodation costs.

Some students don’t like these “savings opportunities” because they can present themselves as cheap people to their friends. However, it’s not just about saving money. It is also about being practical.

If we are talking about Dubai, students can use different means of transport to do their schools in the city. A professional and experienced driver in Dubai is called a safer driver Dubai. Understudies matured five to 23 can apply for a limited Nol Blue card to utilize public transportation, which incorporates the Dubai Metro. Only applicants for the Special Card must be full-time students at accredited schools, colleges, and universities in the United Arab Emirates. Students, seniors, and people with special needs.

There are different validity periods for the card depending on the different age groups of the students. Students aged 14 or under will receive a Nol Blue card valid for up to five years.

If the student is 15 years old, the validity of his card will be four years, i.e. three years for 16 years, two years if the student is 17 years old and one year if he is 18 years old for the age group of 23 years.

The need for reduced prices in university life

Despite the fun of college, there is a saying that these students shouldn’t have too much fun. When you think about it, this statement has two sides. The first is that if you have a lot of fun, your grades will pay the price, as they will surely drop, affecting your long-term future. However, people tend to forget that this applies to money, which is linked to performance.

Anyone who has been to college knows that there are a lot of temptations around them. Best of all, it’s when your friends invite you over to a beach or another city. It also works the same if you are planning the trip. Only with meals will you be spending a lot of money, which does not include accommodation.

You can choose the hotel for your stay, but the truth is, students, don’t make a lot of money from their diet. You have probably saved an amount that will not be enough. This is why most students prefer cheaper alternatives that offer more than spending an absurd amount that will lead them into debt.

The Effects of Losing Money in College

Let’s say you chose the most expensive luxury option. From there, it’s a ripple effect of trouble for your student life. The problem with college is that you have to conserve energy while eating, which takes up a large chunk of your daily budget.

Not eating has been shown to affect your performance in school, and it works the same if you eat but are not full. From homework to oral presentations, this will be the result of a lack of money for good nutrition. It doesn’t even include the effort you made to save money before traveling. This is a domino effect that leads to something that no one wants to happen.

Inexpensive Transportation for College Students: Local Bus System

Local bus systems can be an affordable form of school transportation. If you have a student card, you can almost always get a cheaper ticket on any local bus, but with a safe driver. Check with the campus or city transportation department to see if you can get a discounted transit pass.

With a Ph.D. student, you can also apply for discounts on long-distance transportation. Options include. Travel agencies give college students access to cheaper plane tickets and train travel around the world. This applies if you have an international student card or a youth card (up to 26 years old).

Use of Discounts

Because it is convenient, some students think that instead of staying in a luxury suite, why not stay in a simple hotel that offers almost the same amenities? However, they also look at the price and sometimes find that they are getting much more than they paid for. Needless to say, they are staying in a cheaper but quality room on the budget.

Also, the student’s life before and after the trip is much more forgiving. This is because it allows you to eat properly and spend on school supplies that you may need in the future. So in the long run, using discounts is much better for your student life.

Budgets and stipends are the second most important part of college after your grades and, in fact, some equally important people. The reason is simple. You need money to buy food, drinks, and school supplies, which directly affects school performance. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun once in a while.

It’s exciting with friends in remote places, but you also need to be sensitive to room and board costs. After all, being a bankrupt student seems like a “coin of honor” to some people. This is something you don’t want and it will cause you a snowball-sized problem.That is why discounts are things that all students should not overlook

5 Reasons To Become A Nurse

There are many careers you can choose that are easier than nursing. If you are looking for a job you can go to, do it quickly and fairly effortlessly, and then leave and not have to think about it until you return to your desk, then nursing is certainly not going to suit you. However, if you want a career that will push you, challenge you, and make you feel – and be – needed, then nursing might be the right fit. It’s a hard job but an incredibly rewarding one, and for the right people, it’s a career they can enjoy for many years. 

However, making a choice to study to gain your nursing qualifications is not always going to be easy. Of course, some people will know right away that they are – or aren’t – cut out to be nurses, but others might not yet have an answer to this question, and they are torn between choosing a nursing career and something else. This is why it’s important to think of why you want to become a nurse. Everyone will have their own reasons, and if they are important enough, then nursing should be your first choice. Here are just some of the reasons why nursing is a good career move; if you agree with any of them, your next step could be nursing school. Read on to find out more. 


We can’t really talk about nursing without at least touching on the salary aspect. For a long time, people have been under the impression that nurses are not paid very much, and in some ways, this is true – for the amount of learning, work, and effort required, the salary might not seem overly fair everyone. However, in terms of a living wage, it is a good one. Of course, there will be factors to take into consideration, such as:

  • The level of nursing you have reached
  • The type of degree you have
  • Your location (even down to which country)
  • Your experience
  • Whether you have a specialty or not 
  • Whether you work full-time or part-time

However, in general terms, the average pay for a nurse in the United States is currently around $75,000 a year, although it could be as low as $50,000 or as high as £116,000, depending on the factors listed above. As you can see, these salaries are not as low as you might have expected, so if the pay was something that was worrying you, and maybe was the only thing stopping you from applying to be a nurse, it might be time to think again. 

You’ll Have A True Sense Of Purpose 

Even if the salary wasn’t as reasonable as it does appear to be, there are many other reasons to be a nurse; money is important, but if you want a career that is truly rewarding and will give you a genuine sense of purpose, nursing ticks all the boxes, and the salary is a secondary concern. In fact, most nurses will quickly tell you that if you are in the job just for the money, you won’t do very well – you need to really care about your work to be the best nurse you can be and see the most career progression. 

Nurses are with people in their worst moments when they are scared, hurt, perhaps even dying.  They have to help in the most compassionate way while also putting their medical knowledge to good use and helping in practical terms as well. You will be there in moments of crisis, and people will turn to you for advice, information, and comfort. In this way, a lot of nurses – and certainly the best ones – feel that they have a sense of purpose every day and that they really do make a difference. There are very few careers in which this can honestly be said to be the case, and nursing is certainly one of them. If you want to be the one who makes a difference through your actions, become a nurse. 

Nursing Is A Flexible Career 

In the past, one of the issues that many people found to put them off the idea of nursing as a career was the working hours. They were long, the shift patterns were hard, and it meant that the work-life balance was difficult to achieve. For those who wanted to have a family or liked to go out with friends, or had plenty of hobbies, nursing just wasn’t going to be a good fit with their lives. 

Things have certainly changed in this regard over the last few decades. Today, nursing is a flexible career in many ways, just as lots of other careers have become. Although nurses will still need to work shifts, and although that does mean some weekend working and working over holidays and night shifts when you look at the hours worked, they are not as long as they once were. In fact, the average nurse will work for four or five days in a row, working eight hours during those days, and then have three or four days off before it starts again. So the work-life balance is not hard to achieve when you’re a nurse; as long as you know your shifts in advance, you can make sure everything else is arranged around them. 

Plus, once you have gained your nursing qualification, you can go on to study for additional degrees in other areas of nursing, meaning you have a lot more choice in terms of how you work. You might decide that hospital working isn’t for you, and you would prefer a private clinic, making your working hours less shift-based, for example. You can go for many options, and doing research such as looking into being a nurse practitioner vs RN will help you understand more and determine the route that’s right for you. 

Nurses Are Needed 

Due to a variety of factors, including the fact that there are many myths around about nursing that put people off the idea before they look more closely into nursing as a profession, there is a shortage of nurses not just in the US but all around the world. Therefore, if you were to feel that nursing was the right career path to go down for you, you would find that you have plenty of choices when it comes to finding a job at the end of your studies – nurses are needed everywhere. Whether you choose to remain in your home country or state or travel elsewhere, it’s highly likely that you’ll find a nursing position no matter where you go. With this in mind, you have all the freedom and choice you could possibly need, and that’s all thanks to nursing. 

Of course, this also means there is a good amount of job stability. Once you have a position in a hospital, clinic, or the many other areas in which a nurse can work, you will often be able to stay in that job for as long as you choose to, assuming you are good at what you do. This kind of job stability is rare, particularly in today’s world where people are almost expected to change not just jobs but entire careers at least once in their lives, and where technology is changing the face of the job market, adding new options and removing others. If you want to be a nurse and work in one place until you retire, this is usually something you can do. 

You Can Find Your Niche 

Being a nurse is certainly never going to be boring when there are so many different options to look into, and every day can – and usually will – be entirely different from the next. However, no matter what it is you might be interested in, you will be able to find a nursing position to help you work in that arena. Of course, you may need to carry out additional study and perhaps even work towards an additional qualification – or more than one – but once you know that this is needed, you can look into how to go about obtaining your degree; your supervisors will be able to help you.

Not only are there already a vast range of different nursing positions you might like to look more closely into, but new ones are being developed all the time. If, for example, you like working with new technology, you can do so in nursing, and you might even go on to teach others how to use it too. On the other hand, if you prefer to do things the traditional way, there will be options to allow for this too. Plus, everything in between. 
If you are worried that you will lose a part of yourself when becoming a nurse because the job is, by its very nature, so patient-centric, don’t be concerned; there is so much choice that you will be able to find your niche and work in the way you want to while still helping patients as much as possible.

Enjoy your favourite movies any time with best online platforms

In their free time, watching movies is one of the favourite options for most of people. If you also love to watch movies and TV shows in your free time, you must be looking for the best platform to find out the best collection of movies. When you will search online, there will be several types of options for it. Either you can go for the paid platform or you can look for some free alternatives for it. If you don’t want to pay anything to watch movies, free options are available for you.

It is important to find out the best platform like 123 movies where you can find out the best experience of watching and downloading movies and shows. With these online platforms, you can enjoy the movies in the following ways:

Check out the latest movies and shows every day:

On a good website for streaming and downloading movies, you will be able to find out new movies every day. They are known to offer so many options regularly that you will never be out of entertainment options. If a website is updating the movies and TV shows collection regularly, you should prefer that for sure. After that, you can enjoy new movies every day in your free time.

Download your favourite movies and shows:

The best movie streaming websites are known to provide download options as well. There are many good reasons to download movies instead of streaming it. If there is any problem with the internet connection or network, you don’t have to worry about that. After downloading the movie, you can also watch it on the go when you are travelling anywhere. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about anything if you have downloaded the movie.

Free services for the audience:

These days, most of the top platforms need subscription charges for entertainment. However, there are lots of people who don’t want to pay that and who are looking for free options. On the websites like 123 movies, it will be easy for you to get these options for free. There will be a complete collection of movies and TV shows that you can enjoy without paying anything for it.

Support for all types of devices:

There was a time when people only used televisions for watching movies and TV shows. However, now people use different kinds of devices like smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and laptops for it. If you also have any of these devices, you don’t have to worry about the support for your device on any website. Most of these streaming websites support all these devices without any problem. Therefore, if you want such kind of features and options of entertainment, you should make some research to find out the best website for it. You can check out the complete collection of movies hello and also the user interface of the website to use it easily. After that, you can enjoy your favourite movies at any time.