Alternative Medicines For Pets Are A Perfect Complement To Existing Treatments

Just like people, our pets may experience various ailments and health concerns that need to be addressed. Dogs and cats have stress, anxiety, mood imbalance, digestive issues, and pain. 

As pet parents, we want to ensure that they get the best care possible. But sometimes, even the best veterinary intentions don’t produce the kind of effective results we’re looking for. 

This is where alternative medicines may be helpful. What’s great is that natural therapies have been extensively studied, and if you’ve got a knowledgeable veterinarian, chances are that they are open to the idea of integrating different medicines into your pet’s existing health regimen. 

Before giving your furry friends any new medicine, however, you’ll want to spend some time investigating the potential advantages and drawbacks of these non-traditional methods. As you explore common types of alternative therapies, such as homeopathic treatment and herbs, you’ll be able to better identify what may work best for your pet. 

What is Alternative Medicine for Pets?

Alternative medicine for pets is a range of therapeutic practices that are not typically part of conventional veterinary care. These methods focus on the whole body and mind, rather than just treating specific symptoms or diseases. 

It is also seen as a complement to traditional veterinary care, offering additional options when conventional treatments may not be effective enough or suitable for your dog’s or cat’s needs. 

Alternative medicine takes into consideration the entire being – emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual – rather than simply concentrating on bodily ailments.  It encompasses a diverse range of therapies including acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic treatment, herbal remedies, and aromatherapy, among others. 

Each therapy comes with its own set of techniques designed to help pets achieve optimal health by restoring balance within their bodies. 

To be effective, alternative medicine must take into account each pet’s unique characteristics such as breed type, age group, weight, or lifestyle factors. This personalized attention can lead to better outcomes compared to standardized treatments alone. 

But natural doesn’t always mean safer. While alternative therapies might seem safer because they’re ‘natural’, they still carry potential risks if used improperly or without professional guidance. Therefore, it is essential to seek professional guidance from a veterinarian and an alternative or integrated pet medicine practitioner prior to beginning any new treatment plan for your pet.

Benefits of Alternative Medicine for Pets

Alternative medicine takes a holistic approach to address the root cause of health issues, not just the symptoms. 

One advantage of alternative treatments is that they often use natural components, reducing the possibility of negative outcomes associated with traditional medications. 

For example, aging dogs suffering from pain are often given medication that dulls the pain sensors without taking into consideration what may be causing it. An integrated medicine veterinarian, on the other hand, might suggest a daily dosage of CBD oil for your dog, which has an anti-inflammatory effect that may not only minimize pain sensation but reduce inflammation around joints or muscles, leading to a potentially better outcome for your pet. 

Another example is herbal remedies like milk thistle or turmeric for dogs, which can support liver function or reduce inflammation. 

Beyond treating specific ailments, alternative medicine aims to boost your pet’s immune system and enhance their body’s ability to heal itself. 

Common Types of Alternative Medicine for Pets

More and more pet owners are exploring unconventional methods of medical care for their beloved animals. From acupuncture to herbal remedies, these treatments offer unique benefits that can improve your pet’s overall well-being.


Acupuncture has been adapted for use in animals with impressive results. Tiny needles are inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate healing responses. This method is commonly used for pain management and treatment of arthritis in dogs.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can benefit pets just like they do humans. Natural herbs such as milk thistle or turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties, while chamomile helps soothe anxiety. In recent years hemp extract oils have been popular among veterinarians, who have increasingly recommended products like CBD to help dogs and cats with a variety of ailments such as stress, anxiety and pain.


Homeopathy involves giving small doses of substances that would produce similar symptoms if given in larger quantities. It’s often used to treat chronic conditions like skin allergies or digestive problems in pets.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived from plants for therapeutic purposes. Lavender oil is known for its calming effects, while peppermint oil could provide relief from joint pain. Always consult with a professional before using any essential oils on your pet as some can be toxic if not properly diluted or administered correctly.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are dilutions made from flowers and believed to contain healing energy capable of rebalancing emotional states affecting physical health. This type is particularly helpful when dealing with behavioral issues such as separation anxiety or excessive barking.

Safety Considerations For Pets

Although alternative medicine can offer many benefits to your pets, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved. Like any other form of treatment, alternative therapies can have side effects and may not always produce the desired results. 

One common risk associated with using alternative treatments on your pet is the potential for allergic reactions. For example, some animals may react negatively to certain herbs, hemp extracts, or essential oils used in aromatherapy treatments. 

Mild to severe reactions can occur. 

Anytime you give your pet a new medicine, be sure to keep an eye out for side effects like skin irritation, stomach upset, uncharacteristic behaviors, and breathing difficulties. 

If your pet is already taking conventional medications for a health condition, introducing an alternative treatment could potentially lead to harmful interactions between the two forms of therapy. It’s essential to consult a qualified professional before starting any new treatment regimen. 

If your pet is experiencing any undesired side effects or adverse reactions, it is recommended that you discontinue use and contact your veterinarian. 

Alternative Medicines Can Help

Generally speaking, alternative medicines have a good safety profile, and a very small percentage of pets experience side effects when taking medicines according to manufacturer guidelines. 

A large body of clinical science suggests that alternative therapies are an excellent complement to existing veterinary practices and may help pets who experience common everyday ailments such as pain, stress, or anxiety. 

Give your pet the best possible care with alternative medicine!

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